
  • Top Things To Know About Securing a Partner Visa for Your Move to Australia

    Your spouse or partner might live in Australia, and you might be ready to move to Australia yourself so that you can be with your loved one. If so, then you probably want to do it the legal way, so you might be looking into things like visas. You might have heard of the partner visa, and you could be wondering if it's a good fit for you. A few of the things that you may want to know about securing a partner visa are listed here.
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  • All You Need To Know About Australian Family Visas

    The family visa allows you to enter Australia to visit close family members that are either permanent residents or Australian citizens. There are different types of family visas for people that would want to join their relatives living in Australia. Read this extract to learn about these family visas.  Tourist Visa (Subclass 600) Sponsored Family Stream The permit allows you to visit your close family for a maximum of twelve months.
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  • 3 Circumstances When a Visitor Visa Can Be Revoked

    If you are planning to travel to Australia to see a friend or relative or for business purposes, then you need a visitor visa. It allows you access into the country for a specific duration depending on the type of visitor visa you apply for. However, just because you are successful in obtaining a visitor visa doesn't mean that the visa cannot be revoked. The immigration department must, yet, have sufficient grounds to cancel a visitor visa, and that is why the application process is stringent.
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  • Benefits of the 457 Visa

    The 457 Visa is a stairway to heaven for many employees as they get the opportunity to work for Australian and foreign employers down under.  The program was initially introduced by former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard.  Previously known as Temporary business, the title of the visa was changed to Temporary Work fairly recently on 24 November 2012. Although the 457 Visa doesn't nearly provide half the benefits that a Citizenship or Permanent Residence Status provides, it does have a fair amount of utility.
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